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Thermocouple sensors • Thermocouple sensors • A temperature measuring device • A thermocouple is a temperature measuring device consisting of two conductors of dissimilar metals or alloys that are connected only at the ends. When the ends are ...
...outer jacket. • Water-resistant gel • Many loose-tube cables also have a water-resistant gel that surrounds the fibres. This gel helps protect them from moisture, so the cables are great for harsh, high-humidity environments where water or c...
...used for attaching sensors and programmable instruments to a computer. • When connecting IEEE-488 cables, some rules apply. The total number of devices should be 15 or less. The total length of all cables should not exceed 2 metres multiplied b...
...and can be submerged in water. • Security • Fibre doesn't radiate signals and is extremely difficult to tap. If it is tapped, it leaks light, you'll know it if someone is attempting to tap into your fibre connections. • Design • Fibre is lightweight...
...providing input from sensors; output only, sending signals to activate a device; or bidirectional, providing both input and output signals. • These are some of the applications that use DIO: • Alarm • Digital input sensors can be used to detect a...
...such as excess heat or water from burst pipes, or a sudden power surge. The data center is a delicate environment with equipment that must be protected from extremes of all kinds. • Every organization needs a comprehensive security plan that covers... humidity changes or water leaks that threaten your equipment? • Planning for the unexpected is a critical task because there are more systems performing mission-critical functions than ever before. These systems are often deployed without the pr...
...falling drops of water and condensation • 2 • Protection from direct sprays of water up to 15° from the vertical • 3 • Protection from direct sprays of water up to 60° from the vertical • 4 • Protection from splashing water from all direction...
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